Thursday, June 30, 2011

I Know It's Overdue

Hey anyone reading this!  
Sorry I've been MIA...just been super busy.
After we last spoke I drove back to Vegas hoping to sell all my furniture.
Things didn't exactly go as planned...

I posted all my stuff on Craigslist and got a lot of calls...
But when it came down to people actually following through...not so much.
In the end, I was only able to sell a couple dressers and a wicker bench :(
Wish I could've sold more, but oh well!

I went to dinner at a great Italian restaurant called Buon Gusto with a few of my Vegas friends.
It was sad to be saying good-bye but it's not like Vegas is too far from LA!
Had crab cakes "MMM" is all I have to say about those.

I spent the next 36 hours doing nothing but packing and cleaning.
I threw sooo much stuff away :(
Would've liked to bring it back with me or sold it, but what can you do?!
People were dumpster diving to get my tossed treasures haha!

I departed at about 1:30pm on Saturday and was positively giddy on my drive back to LA.
I arrived at my new home and unloaded everything right away!
I was in the bubble bath by 9pm and tucked into bed by 10pm haha
Doing Saturday night BIG!

I don't want to ramble on and on too much...
So I'll post again soon with the rest of my updates.
They're more exciting anyways!
See you soon :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's Not Official Yet

I'm not offically moved in yet, but I am here.
In Calabasas.
On my parents computer.
...for some reason I can't figure out their Wi-Fi so I can use my laptop...hmmm.

I got a ride into town with a friend from Vegas who happens to be from the same area as me.
I only brought three boxes with me, but they're all unpacked.
And I'm going to be going back to Vegas tomorrow to pack the rest of my things...
...then I'm getting the hell out of Dodge!

I just want to be settled in with a full-time job ASAP.
My parents are already gettng on my case and I'm not even officially moved in yet.
I haven't even been here 24 hours...
I hope I didn't make a mistake!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Packing Is Not Fun

Yes, I know it's a pretty obvious statement.
Packing is not something anyone looks forward to doing.
Unless it's for a vacation...
And this, my soon-to-be friends, is NOT a vacation.

As Sheryl Crow once said, "I'm Leaving Las Vegas" for beachier pastures.
I'm moving from Las Vegas, NV to Calabasas, CA(a small town about 10 minutes inland from Malibu)
I know some of you must be thinking "You're so lucky!"

But here's the kicker.....I'm moving in with my parents.
Yes, I said it.
I'm 25 years old and have lived on my own for four years in Vegas.
And now, I return to the nest.

I'm excited to be getting back to the area I grew up in.
Where all my family and closest friends reside.
Where the beaches are beautiful.
And the hiking is abundant and so close by.

Oh, but did I mention...I'm moving in with my parents?
Let the adventures begin!